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Area of Iranian Nuclear Reach |
This is an exclusive report from debka.com, a blog closely tied to intelligence sources.
What is alleged here is extremely serious. According to Debka, British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, has disclosed that Iran has been testing missiles capable of carrying nuclear payload a maximum range of 2,510 kilometers (1,560 miles).
Calculating Approximately 1500 miles from the Iranian boarder (see my illustration above), it would appear that Iran would be able to control all of the gulf of the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, Yemen, Djibouti, Eritrea, most of the Mediterranean Sea, Cypress, Greece, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Armenia, Iraq, Armenia, Georgia, Khzakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkministan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and most of India.
It will also reach parts of Italy, Egypt (including Cairo), Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Russia (including Moscow), Nepal (including Mt. Everest), and China (including Tibet).
So, to recap, Iran would be able to eliminate Israel, control most of the oil in the world (and all of the major oil ports) along with major economic centers in India, Russia, and the UAE.
Wow, that's not much to worry about, is it?
I'm sure that Iran is beholding to Russia for its cooperation in developing its nuclear missile program. I wonder if Putin has enough time to count his bribe money before Iran points that missile at him!
Now the cat's out of the bag, I am hoping Obama and Bibi might find their BZm and eliminate the problem.
I don't count on it, though. Nuclear conflagration is so out of vogue.
Conspiracy of silence over four Iranian nuclear-capable missile tests Putin imposes secrecy on nuclear Iran
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 30, 2011, 12:16 PM (GMT+02:00)
Our Iranian and intelligence sources offer details on the British Foreign Secretary William Hague's allegation Wednesday, June 29, that Iran has carried out secret tests of missiles capable of delivering a nuclear payload in breach of UN resolution 1929: Three of those tests, four in all, were carried out between October 2010 and February 2011and the fourth on Tuesday, June 28, in the course of the Prophet Mohammed war games currently in progress.
Iran is clearly continuing to upgrade and improve the accuracy of the missiles in its armory that are capable of delivering nuclear warheads.
It was the last test of the four that led Hague to break the Russian-imposed US-Israeli blackout on the critical tests, thereby leaving Iran free to push ahead at top speed with its program for attaining an operational nuclear weapon. Click here for debkafile's June 29 report of Hague disclosures.
debkafile's military and Moscow sources now report exclusively: In early October 2010, Russian intelligence learned that Iran was about to begin test launches of missiles for carrying nuclear warheads. They reported this to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
He then took three steps: He conveyed the information to US President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and bound them to secrecy. With their pledges in hand, he used backdoor intelligence channels to persuade Tehran to refrain from bragging about its dramatic progress and keep the tests of the nuclear-capable missiles quiet in order to avert a world outcry against the violation of all their international commitments. The Iranians bought the deal.
In this way, the Russian leader raised a wall of silence around Iran's advances towards ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads and pre-empted condemnations, Security Council action, and other forms of American, European and Israeli action for keeping a nuclear bomb out of Iranian hands.
This was the last straw – at least for the British government. Hague in consultation with Prime Minister David Cameron went public about what Iran was really up to with a statement to parliament.
debkafile's military sources disclose that Iran has now tested two types of missile for carrying nuclear warheads: the Shahab-3 Kadar and the Sejjil – both powered with solid fuel and having a maximum range of 2,510 kilometers.
Two of the first three tests - one by Sejjil and one by Shahab-3 Kadar - were successful. A third apparently failed. Tuesday of this week the Iranians conducted another successful Shahab-3 test.
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